[IT] C2D E8200+GTX560Ti OC / CINEBENCH 11.5
intel Core2Duo (C2D) E8200 マシンへ [amazon_link id=”B004X31AW2 ” target=”_blank” locale=”JP” container=”” container_class=”” ]NVIDIA GTX 560 Ti OC (by ELSA) [/amazon_link] を実装した環境で CHINEBENCH を採取したので公開します。

COMMENT=MAXON CINEBENCH is based on the high performance animation and rendering software MAXON CINEMA 4D. COMMENT=These are your MAXON CINEBENCH R11.5 results. COMMENT= COMMENT=Results Disclaimer - CINEBENCH results are indicative of overall system performance when using CINEMA 4D, COMMENT=and do not necessarily reflect the performance of the tested hardware with other applications. COMMENT=Performance of each component (processor, graphics card) does rely somewhat on other components in the system. COMMENT=Results provided are typical, although not derived from specific testing procedures. COMMENT= CORES=2 LOGICALCORES=1 MHZ=2680.000000 PROCESSOR=Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E8200 OPENGLVENDOR=NVIDIA Corporation OPENGLCARD=GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCI/SSE2 OPENGLVERSION=4.1.0 CBTYPE=64 Bit OSVERSION=Windows 7, 64 Bit, Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601) CBCPU1=0.000000 CBCPUX=0.000000 CBOPENGL=33.237789 CBOPENGLQUALITY=99.463425 C4DINFO= C4DVERSION=11.529 C4DBUILDID=CB25720demo
なお、同じCPU で GeForce GT 440/PCI/SSE2 では
同様に GeForce GT 520/PCI/SSE2 では
CBOPENGL=33.237789 を叩きだした
[amazon_link id=”B004X31AW2 ” target=”_blank” locale=”JP” container=”” container_class=”” ]NVIDIA GTX 560 Ti OC (by ELSA) [/amazon_link] のパワーは素晴らしいものですね。