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[IT] NVIDIA Nsight Eclipse Edition リリース

■[IT] NVIDIA Nsight Eclipse Edition リリース

GTC 2012 で発表されました!

[amazon_enhanced asin=”4844329782″ container=”” container_class=”” price=”All” background_color=”FFFFFF” link_color=”000000″ text_color=”0000FF” /]  [amazon_enhanced asin=”4862461336″ container=”” container_class=”” price=”All” background_color=”FFFFFF” link_color=”000000″ text_color=”0000FF” /]  [amazon_enhanced asin=”486246159X” container=”” container_class=”” price=”All” background_color=”FFFFFF” link_color=”000000″ text_color=”0000FF” /]  [amazon_enhanced asin=”484432814X” container=”” container_class=”” price=”All” background_color=”FFFFFF” link_color=”000000″ text_color=”0000FF” /]

GTC 2012 → http://developer.nvidia.com/content/coming-next-week-trenches-reports-gtc

Develop for GPUs in your favorite IDE

NVIDIA® Nsight™ is the ultimate development platform for heterogeneous computing. Work with powerful debugging and profiling tools that enable you to fully optimize the performance of the CPU and GPU. Not only do these feature-rich tools optimize performance, they help you gain a better understanding of your code – identify and analyze bottlenecks and observe the behavior of all system activities.

Experience the ease of developing code for GPUs using NVIDIA® Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition for Windows or Nsight™ Eclipse Edition for Linux and Mac OS.

The latest version of NVIDIA Nsight Eclipse Edition with support for CUDA C/C++  is available with the CUDA 5 Preview Toolkitand is supported on MAC and Linux platforms.




最新の CUDA 開発環境:



なお、CUDA 5 については 15/May/2012 (北米時間)に発表される見込みです。




追記、ダウンロードできないという DM を twitter で頂きました。
2012/05/15 03:00 (JST) ← もう寝ろよw 







斉藤之雄 (Yukio Saito): Global Information and Communication Technology OTAKU / Sports volunteer / Social Services / Master of Technology in Innovation for Design and Engineering, AIIT / BA, Social Welfare, NFU / twitter@yukio_saitoh

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