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[備忘録] NVIDIA System Management Interface

GeForce RTX 搭載マシンで NVIDIA システム管理インタフェイスを表示してくれる便利なツールがあったので使ってみました。
学習中に知りました。→ Azure Cognitive 空間分析コンテナー (プレビュー) 
空間分析コンテナーを使用すると、リアルタイムのストリーミング ビデオを分析して、人物間の空間的な関係、人物間の動き、物理環境内におけるオブジェクトとの相互作用を把握できます。 コンテナーは、特定のセキュリティ要件とデータ ガバナンス要件に適しています。


コマンドプロンプト(Windows 環境から)次のコマンドを投入するだけ。





d:\>nvidia-smi -h
NVIDIA System Management Interface -- v527.83

NVSMI provides monitoring information for Tesla and select Quadro devices.
The data is presented in either a plain text or an XML format, via stdout or a file.
NVSMI also provides several management operations for changing the device state.

Note that the functionality of NVSMI is exposed through the NVML C-based
library. See the NVIDIA developer website for more information about NVML.
Python wrappers to NVML are also available.  The output of NVSMI is
not guaranteed to be backwards compatible; NVML and the bindings are backwards

Supported products:
- Full Support
    - All Tesla products, starting with the Kepler architecture
    - All Quadro products, starting with the Kepler architecture
    - All GRID products, starting with the Kepler architecture
    - GeForce Titan products, starting with the Kepler architecture
- Limited Support
    - All Geforce products, starting with the Kepler architecture
nvidia-smi [OPTION1 [ARG1]] [OPTION2 [ARG2]] ...

    -h,   --help                Print usage information and exit.


    -L,   --list-gpus           Display a list of GPUs connected to the system.

    -B,   --list-excluded-gpus  Display a list of excluded GPUs in the system.


    <no arguments>              Show a summary of GPUs connected to the system.

    [plus any of]

    -i,   --id=                 Target a specific GPU.
    -f,   --filename=           Log to a specified file, rather than to stdout.
    -l,   --loop=               Probe until Ctrl+C at specified second interval.


    -q,   --query               Display GPU or Unit info.

    [plus any of]

    -u,   --unit                Show unit, rather than GPU, attributes.
    -i,   --id=                 Target a specific GPU or Unit.
    -f,   --filename=           Log to a specified file, rather than to stdout.
    -x,   --xml-format          Produce XML output.
          --dtd                 When showing xml output, embed DTD.
    -d,   --display=            Display only selected information: MEMORY,
                                    UTILIZATION, ECC, TEMPERATURE, POWER, CLOCK,
                                    COMPUTE, PIDS, PERFORMANCE, SUPPORTED_CLOCKS,
                                    PAGE_RETIREMENT, ACCOUNTING, ENCODER_STATS,
                                    SUPPORTED_GPU_TARGET_TEMP, VOLTAGE
                                    FBC_STATS, ROW_REMAPPER
                                Flags can be combined with comma e.g. ECC,POWER.
                                Sampling data with max/min/avg is also returned
                                for POWER, UTILIZATION and CLOCK display types.
                                Doesn't work with -u or -x flags.
    -l,   --loop=               Probe until Ctrl+C at specified second interval.

    -lms, --loop-ms=            Probe until Ctrl+C at specified millisecond interval.


    Allows the caller to pass an explicit list of properties to query.

    [one of]

    --query-gpu                 Information about GPU.
                                Call --help-query-gpu for more info.
    --query-supported-clocks    List of supported clocks.
                                Call --help-query-supported-clocks for more info.
    --query-compute-apps        List of currently active compute processes.
                                Call --help-query-compute-apps for more info.
    --query-accounted-apps      List of accounted compute processes.
                                Call --help-query-accounted-apps for more info.
    --query-retired-pages       List of device memory pages that have been retired.
                                Call --help-query-retired-pages for more info.
    --query-remapped-rows       Information about remapped rows.
                                Call --help-query-remapped-rows for more info.


    --format=                   Comma separated list of format options:
                                  csv - comma separated values (MANDATORY)
                                  noheader - skip the first line with column headers
                                  nounits - don't print units for numerical

    [plus any of]

    -i,   --id=                 Target a specific GPU or Unit.
    -f,   --filename=           Log to a specified file, rather than to stdout.
    -l,   --loop=               Probe until Ctrl+C at specified second interval.
    -lms, --loop-ms=            Probe until Ctrl+C at specified millisecond interval.


    [any one of]

    -e,   --ecc-config=         Toggle ECC support: 0/DISABLED, 1/ENABLED
    -p,   --reset-ecc-errors=   Reset ECC error counts: 0/VOLATILE, 1/AGGREGATE
    -c,   --compute-mode=       Set MODE for compute applications:
                                0/DEFAULT, 1/EXCLUSIVE_THREAD (DEPRECATED),
                                2/PROHIBITED, 3/EXCLUSIVE_PROCESS
    -dm,  --driver-model=       Enable or disable TCC mode: 0/WDDM, 1/TCC
    -fdm, --force-driver-model= Enable or disable TCC mode: 0/WDDM, 1/TCC
                                Ignores the error that display is connected.
          --gom=                Set GPU Operation Mode:
                                    0/ALL_ON, 1/COMPUTE, 2/LOW_DP
    -lgc  --lock-gpu-clocks=    Specifies <minGpuClock,maxGpuClock> clocks as a
                                    pair (e.g. 1500,1500) that defines the range
                                    of desired locked GPU clock speed in MHz.
                                    Setting this will supercede application clocks
                                    and take effect regardless if an app is running.
                                    Input can also be a singular desired clock value
                                    (e.g. <GpuClockValue>). Optionally, --mode can be
                                    specified to indicate a special mode.
    -m    --mode=               Specifies the mode for --locked-gpu-clocks.
                                    Valid modes: 0, 1    -rgc  --reset-gpu-clocks
                                Resets the Gpu clocks to the default values.
    -lmc  --lock-memory-clocks=  Specifies <minMemClock,maxMemClock> clocks as a
                                    pair (e.g. 5100,5100) that defines the range
                                    of desired locked Memory clock speed in MHz.
                                    Input can also be a singular desired clock value
                                    (e.g. <MemClockValue>).
    -rmc  --reset-memory-clocks
                                Resets the Memory clocks to the default values.
    -lmcd --lock-memory-clocks-deferred=
                                    Specifies memClock clock to lock. This limit is
                                    applied after GPU reset. Note that, this limit is
                                    persistence across system reboots.    -rmcd --reset-memory-clocks-deferred
                                Resets the deferred Memory clocks applied.
    -ac   --applications-clocks= Specifies <memory,graphics> clocks as a
                                    pair (e.g. 2000,800) that defines GPU's
                                    speed in MHz while running applications on a GPU.
    -rac  --reset-applications-clocks
                                Resets the applications clocks to the default values.
    -pl   --power-limit=        Specifies maximum power management limit in watts.
    -cc   --cuda-clocks=        Overrides or restores default CUDA clocks.
                                In override mode, GPU clocks higher frequencies when running CUDA applications.
                                Only on supported devices starting from the Volta series.
                                Requires administrator privileges.
                                0/RESTORE_DEFAULT, 1/OVERRIDE
    -am   --accounting-mode=    Enable or disable Accounting Mode: 0/DISABLED, 1/ENABLED
    -caa  --clear-accounted-apps
                                Clears all the accounted PIDs in the buffer.
          --auto-boost-default= Set the default auto boost policy to 0/DISABLED
                                or 1/ENABLED, enforcing the change only after the
                                last boost client has exited.
                                Allow non-admin/root control over auto boost mode:
                                0/UNRESTRICTED, 1/RESTRICTED
    -mig  --multi-instance-gpu= Enable or disable Multi Instance GPU: 0/DISABLED, 1/ENABLED
                                Requires root.
    -gtt  --gpu-target-temp=    Set GPU Target Temperature for a GPU in degree celsius.
                                Requires administrator privileges

   [plus optional]

    -i,   --id=                 Target a specific GPU.
    -eow, --error-on-warning    Return a non-zero error for warnings.


    -t,   --toggle-led=         Set Unit LED state: 0/GREEN, 1/AMBER

   [plus optional]

    -i,   --id=                 Target a specific Unit.


          --dtd                 Print device DTD and exit.

     [plus optional]

    -f,   --filename=           Log to a specified file, rather than to stdout.
    -u,   --unit                Show unit, rather than device, DTD.

    --debug=                    Log encrypted debug information to a specified file.

 Device Monitoring:
    dmon                        Displays device stats in scrolling format.
                                "nvidia-smi dmon -h" for more information.

    daemon                      Runs in background and monitor devices as a daemon process.
                                This is an experimental feature. Not supported on Windows baremetal
                                "nvidia-smi daemon -h" for more information.

    replay                      Used to replay/extract the persistent stats generated by daemon.
                                This is an experimental feature.
                                "nvidia-smi replay -h" for more information.

 Process Monitoring:
    pmon                        Displays process stats in scrolling format.
                                "nvidia-smi pmon -h" for more information.

    nvlink                      Displays device nvlink information. "nvidia-smi nvlink -h" for more information.

    clocks                      Control and query clock information. "nvidia-smi clocks -h" for more information.

    encodersessions             Displays device encoder sessions information. "nvidia-smi encodersessions -h" for more information.

    fbcsessions                 Displays device FBC sessions information. "nvidia-smi fbcsessions -h" for more information.

 vGPU Scheduler Logs:
    vgpu-scheduler-logs         Displays device scheduler log entries on vGPU host.
                                "nvidia-smi vgpu-scheduler-logs -h" for more information.

 vGPU Scheduler Capabilities:
    vgpu-scheduler-caps         Displays vGPU scheduler capabilities on vGPU host.
                                "nvidia-smi vgpu-scheduler-caps -h" for more information.

    compute-policy              Control and query compute policies. "nvidia-smi compute-policy -h" for more information.

    boost-slider                Control and query boost sliders. "nvidia-smi boost-slider -h" for more information.

 POWER HINT:    power-hint                  Estimates GPU power usage. "nvidia-smi power-hint -h" for more information.

 BASE CLOCKS:    base-clocks                 Query GPU base clocks. "nvidia-smi base-clocks -h" for more information.

    ccu                         Control and query counter collection unit. "nvidia-smi ccu -h" for more information.

Please see the nvidia-smi documentation for more detailed information.



NVIDIA システム管理インターフェイス — v527.83

NVSMI は、Tesla および一部の Quadro デバイスの監視情報を提供します。
データは、標準出力またはファイルを介して、プレーン テキストまたは XML 形式で表示されます。
NVSMI は、デバイスの状態を変更するためのいくつかの管理操作も提供します。

NVSMI の機能は、NVML C ベースのライブラリ。 NVML の詳細については、NVIDIA 開発者の Web サイトを参照してください。
NVML への Python ラッパーも利用できます。 NVSMI の出力は次のとおりです。
下位互換性は保証されていません。 NVML とバインディングが逆になっている


  • フルサポート
    • Kepler アーキテクチャ以降のすべての Tesla 製品
    • Kepler アーキテクチャ以降のすべての Quadro 製品
    • Kepler アーキテクチャをはじめとするすべての GRID 製品
    • Kepler アーキテクチャをはじめとする GeForce Titan 製品
  • 限定サポート
    • Kepler アーキテクチャ以降のすべての Geforce 製品
      nvidia-smi [オプション1 [ARG1]] [オプション2 [ARG2]] … -h, –help 使用情報を出力して終了します。


再び、https://learn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/azure/cognitive-services/computer-vision/spatial-analysis-container を参照し自習に戻ります。


斉藤之雄 (Yukio Saito): Global Information and Communication Technology OTAKU / Sports volunteer / Social Services / Master of Technology in Innovation for Design and Engineering, AIIT / BA, Social Welfare, NFU / twitter@yukio_saitoh

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